Having a badge destroys the purpose of badges

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I believe some NBA 2K21 MT advertising people fool you. Its the same talk everytime a console is about to discharge. How fast you can fetch the info from the RAM or the SSD isn't the limiting factor when it comes to gaming performance. Claiming that is merely silly imo. And asserting that NBA2K21 will have attributes in it that is a must for those fast RAM/SSD rates is simply even more silly.

Next gen consoles will have the ability to match the performance of an mid range PC gaming computer operating an 2080 graphics card. And will probably be left in the dust if the 3080 cards enters the market in a couple of months. You are flat out wrong, and utilizing logic that is obsolete. You clearly haven't done any research on the topic, and btw, I am. I mean, for making the identical type of statements that are blind, Linus had to apologize that you are making. What features will the SSDs and RAM enable for the Console games?

CPU Graphics card functionality will still be the number one variable, as it always been, and the 3080 is rumoured to be 50% quicker then the 2080, and that is TRULY Next Gen. Well, for one thing it will have the ability to render everything in your field of vision instantly. This allows for any variety of applications to render anything not in you area of vision and free up those assets for them. This means you can literally design NBA 2K21 not only purpose, but although in appearence. Games need to load resources even if these resources aren't being used.

I am not likely to keep describing things that can be found using Google just so that you can keep arguing your opinion. What features will be allowed for the Consoles by this technology in terms of gambling characteristics that cant be achieved on an PC today, can you provide an example that is concrete? It only comes down to graphics? You are currently telling me that an next gen console will have better images then another gen PC? I mean what attributes would you anticipate in following gen version, which wouldnt? All you are saying is repeating. People even hyped mobile phone gambling as being the future of gambling not long ago, its hype.

Having a badge destroys the purpose of badges

I think it should be a necessary badge for bigs. Almost every big in the league apart from Kristaps has a group jumper. Towns, Bertans, turner, olynyk. Just to list a few that take quick and are shooters. Towns includes a set taken. They shoot broad shots for the most part, although turner and olynyk don't shoot slow. Bertans is 6'9 so when he was a myplayer his jumper wouldn't happen to be slowed down too much. See what they dont understand is a set shot can nevertheless be quick.look at cities or aldridge irl. What people hated were '3 bigs jumping 5 feet in the buy mt air its tough to competition.
