limit on the amount of classic wow gold

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It is hard to say how much rep you are going to be able to farm during that invasion event. Yes there's plenty of rep to be had but just how much is really achievable for any but the most sweaty is pretty difficult to say since there's a limit on the amount of classic wow gold

It is hard to say how much rep you are going to be able to farm during that invasion event. Yes there's plenty of rep to be had but just how much is really achievable for any but the most sweaty is pretty difficult to say since there's a limit on the amount of classic wow gold invasions that will happen and they are likely to be hard farmed.

I really don't understand any benefit to doing so ancient and my main is stuck with full WBs til tomorrow night. . .but I am still racing to perform my alts now now now.Precisely the exact same reason they put in quartermaster ancient.

That is not how it works, there are people on my host who ganked exactly the same spot(s) for a year now.Other mothers this week:"I want to prepare for Thanksgiving! I've pies to bake and turkey to thaw!"

Was this attunement quest actually additional 2 weeks ahead of Naxxramas opening in 2006? I thought it had been added at precisely the same time as the instance opened.

Must be a complete bitch on pvp servers then. Don't blizzard do anything to prevent this at all?sounds strange I know, but the griefing that's surely happening right now is part of why we play pvp servers.

Do what? Yeah I went there and mywowgold a lot of horde is trying to kill ppl coming via flight path, it is somewhat back and forth however, horde has the numbers (must be mad after a week of us guarding the purple tent). . Who cares perhaps you'll die a few times until you receive attunement, or buy it at any other time over the next few weeks.

This is far easier than having to go to LHC as a whole raid with wbuffs.
