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I have looked everywhere in the shop and nothing is free. Been like this for 2 days now.I completed the daily bonus also and never obtained my 2,000 VC for enjoying 10 games.Don't hear that likely. . 2k18 was released for PS3.

I'd honestly begin saving for next gen today, don't have to take action at launch but sometime next year. Trust me you may want to. If anything you might have the ability to NBA 2K MT finesse someone by selling your existing console to get a decent price, from there you can save. This just my opinion, you do you. Probably not however the match will probably undoubtedly be a copy and paste most likely every year after 21 on present gen. They will put their whole focus on next gen for certain after 2k21.

I'm assuming it'll be like 2k17 in 17 it had been about the PS4 and Xbox 1 however I possessed it on Xbox360 therefore it was made for the system, but they removed a lot of the modes and it was not the same that it was basically just my league and mycareer games no more Park so 2k22 will most likely be on ps4 but eliminate many main features including the depends the number of folks going to acquire a ps5, and just how many will stick to their own ps4.

I'm not gonna purchase ps5, therefore I wonder why parks will sort of die on current gen after ps5 comes out, since I feel like majority of people will upgrade their consoles. And that I play on EU, which probably has even less people in parks than NA servers.I got the current-gen 2k21 and that's it. I do not plan on updating my games until the first price drop or purchase. The way I see it, we're a year from 2k22, next-gen 2k21 is legit just likely to have half a year of conduct before that.

And I think a lot of people aren't innovators when it comes to technology adoption, it is a hefty price and there's hardly gonna be some new games on it. People are gonna wait it like always. It won't be lifeless imo.I'd say get this one in case you aren't gonna upgrade, and revel in playing park or especially myteam. Cause if you're worried about the park dying you don't want to remain on 20 lol.

I am far to much of a casual participant to bother with the update till next year at that price . I really only play MyGM and MyLeague anyway.I am subscribed to a game rental agency however, and Buy 2K MT one that provided that you pay has no limits on how long you can keep a game. If I do manage to discover a PS5 - which I assume will not be simple - I may rent it until 2K22 comes out.I'm not buying a sports game twice though when all other franchises are permitting a free update.
