Seems working as planned

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While I largely agree, I'd like to bring that lowsec should be safe as long as you're in gates/stations or warping involving them. Out ratting/mining or EVE Echoes ISK whatever, yeah not secure, but lowsec should be partly safe. Autopilot shouldn't even operate in NULL IMO. Attempt to Autopilot to Null and it ought to only leave you at the gate ready to leap into Null, where you need to be safe since you are at a gate.

I disagree. That by definition signifies concord will set up some attempt, but not a lot. Same reason gate camping in reduced takes more effort than it's in null. If I would like to camp in low that means I need at minimum a committed tank and a few friends to help seal the deal immediately, then deal with the criminal timer. In null I can by my self sit at a gate and be a dick all day.

Seems working as planned if you inquire me.Yeah, low security, it's not everywhere, just at gates and stations.Low safety does not mean folks need to have immunity.And they don't. If they are trying to rat or mine or do anything else from the machine, they are totally open to anything. Down them, kill them, yes please. However, at gates or stations there is safety, since it is a low security method, there some safety, not a lot, but sufficient for the gates and stations.It's somewhat of Buy EVE Mobile ISK a compromise. It is a mobile game, and traveling should be rather simple IMO. Not in Null Sec naturally, but not in low?
