I really don't know anyone with a normal job who golfs and spends 15 hours per week golfing.

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No he's an arsehole who couldn't manage time correctly, play when children asleep spend several nights together with your so and you can still achieve lots of things I began with mobile played for a year had a 9 month break got a laptop and still have healthy relationships, healthy body and RS gold foundation 90s. The identical thing can be said about anything. Why are you watching football when you should be playing with your children? When you and your children should be playing, why are you playing golf? Are you really going fishing with buddies when you and your kids ought to be playing?

You'll get both if you've got your shit together. Good time management includes making yourself time, a few people watch tv, I play runescape. Maxing a runescape account in under 3 years requires EONs time compared to playing golf or avidly watching football. Calculations for maxing are about 1800 hours. Many individuals are playing efficiently but not MOST every time they play, and will likely max around 2500 hours.

2500 hours in under 3 years is over 1/10th of your own time. A tenth of your time. That's more than 2 hours EVERY DAY. Someone into watching soccer doesn't see a match EVERY DAY. Someone who fishes doesn't go fishing for 2+ hours EVERY DAY. This person averaged more than 2 hours of Runescape EVERY DAY for 3 decades. That's 100% different and looks like dependence.

I really don't know anyone with a normal job who golfs and spends 15 hours per week golfing. My father spends 15 hours a week golf. He retired and that's the only consistent thing that he does. Watching TV is barely similar as it's an activity you'll have on in the background and still do anything else. You can not really background RuneScape.

My friend's an analyst and he has a tiny group that goes golfing almost every other day spending two hours in the range and at times playing twice on weekends. Woodcutting or MLM are a couple activities that need hardly any interaction you can do on cellular while doing other jobs. Consolidating maxing an accounts in to total hours and ignoring just how much time people spend watching TV while they are not multi tasking is ignorant. I also have friends with normal jobs that buy OSRS gold are addicted to Netflix pretty much that may binge a documentary at night or people who visit the gym everyday.
