Something Is Wrong

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Why are we not questioning everything in 2020?

Brave soldiers died so you could live, and you disgrace them by kneeling during our National Anthem. I really don't get why you insist that America needs to bend and rewrite everything to appease you. If you hate this country, leave, Buh bye.
This has nothing to do with race. I don't care what race or religion you are. Disrespect and anti-Patriotism come in many forms. There is a bigger picture here and for the 1,000,001 time, open your eyes and #wakethefuckup
If you are not Questioning everything right now, you are part of the problem.
You are subservient.
You are compliant.
You are complacent.
This has nothing to do, not directly anyway, with Trump or Biden. This has to do with America being under attack by socialists, communists, marxists radical groups trying to rewrite America. And they are using the C19 bioweapons, this election, and racial divide to tear apart everything.
Why is 2020 so fucked up?
Why are all these things happening?
Does it not seem a little too convenient that all these things are happening in an election year?
Do you not question the fact the left pops up with new accusations about the Trump administration, with 0 evidence, and then the Trump administration comes back with evidence the left is doing exactly what they attempted to accuse them of doing?
I challenge you to ask yourself why you don't like Trump and supply proof of that in a comment on this post. 9 times out of ten the person asked this question either says he's racist or he let C19 kill 200,000+ Americans. Ask yourself this, what could he have done differently? Did he handle it perfectly? No. The bottom line is we were not prepared for a pandemic. The usual answer is, he could have shut the country down and made a national mask mandate. Ok. But let me point out the flaw with both of those ideas. If Trump would have issued an EO national mask mandate/shutdown, the left would have jumped on him and called him a dictator more so than they do now. Instead, he gave the power to the states and we saw how that worked out. At that point, there was nothing he could do but support the state's decisions. On the mask mandate, 8 months later we see both left and right either ignoring or fighting local mask mandates so tell me how that would have made a difference...
C19 was a lab-developed bioweapon from China. There is proof in the genetics of the virus. Natural viruses have specific genetic markers within the genome and lab-created (modified) do not. C19 does not have those genetic markers to point towards it coming from nature. It came from the Woohon (spelled incorrectly on purpose) lab and was NOT an accidental release.
Why is C19 not spiking at ground zero? They don't have a vaccine. They are not social distancing. Some wear masks some don't. Why is it hitting the US the hardest? Why does the C19 map look almost identical to the US election map? Why aren't you Questioning these things? You all feel it in one way or another that something isn't right. Whether or not you agree with Trump or Biden, whether or not you are a democrat or republican, whether or not you are black or white, something IS going on here. Question everything.