Personally I dislike the five households thing.

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Personally I dislike the five households thing. For starters it seems too much like Prifddinas, and we shouldn't be recycling Runescape 3 content (that's boring). I am also worried that in the event that you side with one family. You cut the material in the other four. I like the original Port Roberts thought better. Port Roberts could be the principal tie between Asgarnia/Kandarin/Misthalin and the new continent, and resemble these areas more than the remainder of the continent. The transaction between the new continent and the rest of the planet is officially conducted by the customs authority, which taxes a lot, which makes things inconvenient, etc.. Because of animosity towards the customs authority, people have begun to turn towards illegal smugglers and pirates to do trading in their opinion. Quests could learn more about the conflict between the two powers and you might choose to side with either one. The closest real life approximation I could think of is colonial Boston.

All areas of Runescape currently represent some component of medieval Europe or the east. By Way of Example, Fremmeniks-Scandanavia, Karamja-Sub-Saharan Africa, Asgarnia/Misthalin/Kandarin-England, Morytania-Eastern Europe, Al Kharid-Arabia. That really only leaves Mediterranean/Southern Europe, so it would be logical for the new continent to resemble Italy/Spain/Greece. I think you could integrate iron age concepts into this. For instance, you may have two big cities which resemble Carthage and Rome (Carthage employs elephants, please). Both aren't at war, but have been previously and are now in the midst of a tense standoff. The road between them is highly guarded and you'll be cheap RuneScape gold assaulted by tough foes if you try to travel along it. You might have either one city"good" and one town"poor" and have quests where your character fights for the fantastic city or you could have them both on equal footing.
