Runescape is just having a dip

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Despite that, it is quite apparent that activity has diminished. But let's remember that Runescape was hugely popular several decades back. In the event that you were in middle or high school in the mid-2000s, likely most of your buddies had at one point wandered through Tutorial Island, though many probably wouldn't admit it. Is it feasible that Runescape is just having a dip in popularity and not actually on the road out shortly? Possibly. People making the argument of Runescape's coming death (many of which are also trying to OSRS gold deride the match's recent content) generally pull out the Google trend for as proof. In the event you are not familiar with it here it is. By the way, this graph may make things seem worse than they are because it looks like the game has no activity as it has lots.

Does this mean I am saying Runescape isn't dying?

At first glance it looks like the game is dying and has been for a while now. Since the summit (December 2006), Runescape has overall been going down. But even with this chart there is some optimism for the game. If you can get over the huge decrease in activity you may notice that towards the end of the graph the drop in activity has come to a trickle. In other words over the past year and a half that there hasn't been that much activity reduction, at least with real players. The elimination of many bots has led to cheap RuneScape gold a reduction in perceived activity but the decrease in regular players recently has been inconsequential.
