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I have heard plenty of nba 2k21 mt coins stories of people dropping $80 on a new game, bringing it home, then beating it that afternoon. Games have been buggy, with no manner of being patched.

I have heard plenty of nba 2k21 mt coins stories of people dropping $80 on a new game, bringing it home, then beating it that afternoon. Games have been buggy, with no manner of being patched.

There has been a short period from the early to mid 2000's where I don't really remember any serious fuckery in the significant publishers, but this interval is much more the exception than the rule.

The simple fact of it is that videogames are a large company, and big companies will push the boundaries in order to earn more money.

I don't really think this period is actually much worse than others, and in some ways is much better with how easy it is for indie developers to make and release games. There is SO many games being set out today that it's not tough to ignore those with bad business practices if you want.

I mainly play indie games today, and lots of them have been more memorable than many AAA games I have played previously.

Sure, it's easy to say that today. Or even at $30 with the content it currently has?

There could have been a huge outrage on the internet and it would have sold extremely poorly. But that model is finished.

No one will pay full price for games like this anymore, as sad as that is. Games like it have become unfortunately forced to be created through indie development or buy nba 2k21 mt otherwise just never exist.

Want a current example? Bloodstained. A game that largely did fairly well and did not disappoint. Nevertheless the general consensus for it was that it is original asking price (and current non-sale cost ) of $40 was mostly seen as overly pricey.
